Monday, October 24, 2011

Zoo Boo

Cullen, the Lego Mini-figurine.
He got a lot of Ohhhh's and Ahhhhh's
walking through the zoo. :)
He may not be the roundest Lego head
on the block, but I'm proud of it!

Finn's costume. He REALLY wanted to be a
"John Deere tractor guy." Of course they don't
sell tractor costumes, so I made it.

Luckily, Cullen wanted to be a green Lego minifig,
so I only had to buy 3 spray paint colors!

Here Finn is saying "Hi, Lego guy. Hi!"

"I don't know how to smile."
I think he was sick of the lines!

Finn-Finn the animal lover enjoyed seeing
all the animals!
We saw a massive buffalo! And a big lion
locked eyes with Finn, it was creepy!

I love this picture of Uncle D and the boys.

Trick or Treat!

Finn loved the train ride, we weren't surprised.
He talked about this more than anything else. :)

We got the very first seat, and lo and behold...
it was made in Wichita, Kansas. :)

With my favorite John Deere tractor guy
and Lego minifig!!

Sunday, after church at the Basilica on campus, Sean went onto the house to get some homework done. So Dustin and I took the boys to the local zoo for Boo Zoo. I've never been to this zoo before, so I had no idea what to expect. Maybe it was better that way?? It was literally, a zoo. I think we had to wait about 45 min before we even got into the zoo. After the first few stations the bottleneck opened up and we could actually walk without bumping into people everywhere.

I wasn't feel well. At. All. (I'm sure I have laryngitis.) No voice, the works. I'm so thankful that my brother joined us! There is no way I would've made it through the zoo. He carried the tractor (darn flat tire ((read: one tire fell off)) and it was too much and too far and too top heavy for Finn to manage by himself for too long. Factor in me having no voice to keep the Lego and tractor in tow = no fun. Plus the boys were excited for him to see them in their costumes. :)

Cullen gets to bring his costume in for show and tell Wednesday. He can hardly wait! Unfortunately they don't have any parties in his school, so this was a way for the teacher to get around it.

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