Tuesday, October 11, 2011

PJ day at preschool

Finn has been looking forward to PJ day at school! They were able to bring along a special blanket, animal or pillow. Needless to say, Blankie went to school too! And I know that these jammies are about 2 inches too short, but these are the ones he insisted on wearing. :) He's been talking a mile a minute since we got home. He sure is loving school! Right now they are talking about VanGough. They just finished up a segment on spiders, and went on a spider hunt. He told me, I can't touch spiders at school, but I'm gonna at home. Unlike Cullen, Finn LOVES to catch, hold, smash, insects.

Cullen is continuing to do great in school too. His teacher sent home the results his recent assessment. He got 100% on number recognition 1-20, counting 1-20, counting by 10's, and he knows all the basic shapes (square, rectangle, circle, triangle, rhombus, hexagon, and trapezoid). She also had them write their numbers, they are expected to write 1-10 unassisted. Cullen made it to 27! Next she is quizzing them on the 15 sight words they've been working on and letter recognition and sounds. I'm so proud of him! He is now able to write his last name unassisted and without looking at it. That was something he struggled with before school started. He'll be starting his middle name soon...

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