Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The boys told me exactly what they wanted
their pumpkins to look like.
(Cullen's has goggles on.)

BTW- Cullen's expression pretty much sums
up our pumpkin carving experience... they
were WIRED and love Halloween!!

Finn has an orange nose from itching his nose
in between scooping the innards out. Reminds
me of when he was a baby and had an orange hue
from all the squash and carrots he was eating. :)

My favorite "John Deere tractor guy."

My favorite Lego mini-figurine. :)

Halloween 2011

We had a fun Halloween trick or treating! There were no lights on on our street, so I took the boys to another neighborhood to trick or treat. :) Strangely enough, we hardly saw any other kids out trick or treating! Their costumes were a hit. One old man especially enjoyed them, the went on an on about how no one makes costumes anymore and that's really what it's all about! I admitted to him that I'm not sure I'll make them next year... ;)

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