Monday, October 24, 2011

a long lost visitor...

top row L to R- James Ahern, Sean, me, Marian Ahern
bottom row L to R- Finn must-hold-the-spoon McCaffery, Seamus, Cullen

Sean's cousin James Ahern now lives in Indianapolis and came up for the ND game with his wife, Marian and almost 2 year old son, Seamus. Albeit short, it was a really nice visit! All the boys played very nicely together. We hope to go down to Indianapolis at some point to visit them again and maybe check out the awesome zoo there?

Seamus was a cute thing. I think his expression in this pictures is too funny! He is a BIG boy and was really into all the truck and cars at our house. James said they almost named him Cullen... so maybe there will be another little Cullen in the family some day? :)

It was a great little reunion. Sean hasn't seen James since his high school graduation in 1998!

**You must forgive me, I think Mrs. Ahern is Marian, but it may be Miriam? This nasty laryngitis is messing up my ears too...**

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