Sunday, October 9, 2011

ND vs AF

Cullen and his buddy Quinn, before we tailgated.

The bagpipers marching through campus.

In front of the stadium.

Finn and Claire hitching a ride in the wagon.

In front of "Touchdown Jesus" (Library)
watching the band march into the stadium.

Finn getting a better view of the band.

The Goodyear blimp circled the stadium the whole game.

Finn and Grant played football in front of the stadium.

Cullen before his first football game!!

A cancer survivor and awareness tree on campus.
You can tie a ribbon on the tree in remembrance.
(Each color signifies a different cancer.)

Cullen in the stadium.

Go Notre Dame!! They crushed the Air Force.

We met up with our friends, The Wilson Family, (also an active duty Army family in the MBA program) to tailgate before the game. They are a really fun family with 3 kids and one on the way. :)
Sean took Cullen to his first Notre Dame football game. Cullen was so excited!! Although, because of the heat (mid-80's) and all the walking, Cullen only made it until half-time before he was ready to leave. Because "my back is killing me, I'm serious." Ohh well, it was a blow out and ND scored several times before they left. Quinn's dad, Kurt, also took him to the game... he too left at halftime. :) What a great experience for Cullen!

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