Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Classic Finn....

This is what Sean and I found in the upstairs bathroom last night.... We thought Finn was sleeping. Instead he cut a good bit of hair off the center of his head. We have family pictures scheduled for Saturday. Isn't that just how life goes?? We couldn't help but laugh. Fortunately, despite the large amount of hair he cut off, you can't really tell. Unless you look hard and close. This boy... he's such a little trouble-maker! But I wouldn't have him any other way. And the bright side? Our life isn't boring! At. All. :) So remember this when you get our Christmas card this year. Ha Ha Ha.

Another random note on Finn. We've discovered he loves to eat hard boiled eggs! Seems strange to me that a 3 year old would love those so much. He always mooches them off us... Yesterday when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, he asked for "those eggs I like." How could I resist? I made 6. He had fun peeling it himself, and he ate it all. At lunch I asked what he wanted and he asked for another egg. I tried to change his mind, but he insisted. Then this morning he requested another one. Cullen decided to get in the action this morning too, but he was soon gagging, so Finn finished his off too. Who knew?!?

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