Friday, August 12, 2011

Weko Beach, Lake Michigan

Running back and forth.
They did this the majority of the day.

Cullen learned how to jump with the waves.

Cullen took this one. :)

Cullen loved being buried in the sand!!
He would crack up! :)

It was really like being at the ocean...
without the sharks and saltwater.

Teaching the boys how to make sand castles.

Finn finally asked to be buried too.
He wasn't too sure about it.

One time was enough for him!

Though, Finn LOVED throwing rocks in the water.
Right up his alley...

Our view.
The boys really had fun playing in the sand.

What a fun day. We are already planning our next visit.

My best attempt of the view of Weko Beach.
(from the parking lot)

We finally made it out to Lake Michigan today. This beach in Bridgman, MI is only 23.3 miles from our house. We will definitely be going back as much as possible! The boys keep asking if we are going back tomorrow. :)

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