Friday, May 28, 2010

red rock canyon

At the start of our hike.
Same background as our Christmas card this year.

Throwing rocks in the water.
Something I remember doing with my own grandpa.

We had a little mud incident...

Brothers exploring the great wide open.

What good is a little boy without mud and sticks??

Love the views!

This rock was mined in the late 1800's. They
used the stone for construction in COS and Denver.


Taking a break by a little cave.

Grandma and Cullen checking out the soot from an old fire in the cave.

Another great view from the hike.

Hiking wears you out!

After 2 hours of hiking, the boys were worn out!

Nice view of Pikes Peak. The Manitou Incline is the line
on the right side of the picture. (Can just see the end of the incline.)

We took a nice hike at Red Rock Canyon, when my parents were in town. I love where we live, we love going on hikes... the scenery is amazing. We picked a perfect day for it too, a cool breeze and not a cloud in the sky.

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