Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day Program

After the Mother's Day Program

Kazooing to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Skiddly dink a dink a doo, I. love. you.
(sound familiar Coco?)

Cullen's answers to a few questions about me.
I love that the thinks I am making sausage when he's at school. :)

The hat he made for me to wear.

Cullen and his classmates had a small program for us at preschool today. It was so cute. Cullen was so proud of the folder he created with special artwork and that questionnaire you saw above. I think the hats were really cute too. :) And watch-out grandmas... I think Mrs. Titus wants to take in Cullen and Finn as her own "adoptive" grandchildren. She again went on and on again about how beautiful both boys are. We brought in thank you cards and gift cards to Target for both Mrs. Titus and Mrs. Lobato today. Cullen told Mrs. Titus she can buy toys with it, Mrs. Titus said that she just loves toys. :) Have a Happy Mother's Day!!

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