Thursday, May 27, 2010

preschool graduation

Getting ready to go to the graduation.

With my boys.

What a big guy.

Singing I'm a Little Tea Pot

Cullen's class 2009-2010

Mrs. Titus giving Cullen his diploma.

One more year of preschool to go...

Cullen "graduated" from preschool Wednesday. He did a good job singing all his songs; and for all the programs, etc, Cullen is always in the front row. :) I know that's a good sign and I'll take what I can get with that one! After graduation we let him pick out a place to eat lunch, so we had McDonalds... is there any place else?? :) Grandma and Grandpa were in town and let him pick out some t-ball cleats and a t-ball bat for his graduation present. :) (He had is first t-ball practice Tuesday.) He was in heaven!

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