Friday, June 19, 2009


Cullen and Isabella doing the actions to a song

with the bug hat he made

He made this alligator and named it Floppy.

Today was the last day of Vacation Bible School for Cullen. It was an amazing program, I'll definitely sign him up again next summer! A few of the days I'd sneak in a little early and watch them sing the songs and dance. Cullen was really into it, he'd tap (more like stomp) his foot and clap his hands with such intensity. I loved it! Most of the other preschoolers were nonchalant, but not Cullen, he was there to rock.

Today after VBS, we all attended Mass and then had a picnic. Much to my surprise, they had Cullen bring up the gifts during Mass along with a fifth grade boy. His teachers told me they were going to tell Cullen when it was his turn to go up... I thought they were having all the kids go up and be recognized or something. I was sweating bullets when I realized what was about to happen... Luckily, Cullen did great and Father gave him a high-five on his the way down the aisle. :)

We are really enjoying our time in Colorado Springs and it's really starting to feel like our home. The more things we are becoming involved in, the more we are starting to get to know other parents. Isabella was one of Cullen's preschool classmates at his Catholic School. Dillon, another boy in VBS, is in Little Gym with Cullen. And four of the high school boys helping to run VBS are the sons of a woman I worked with when we were stationed at Ft. Drum. I finally ran into her today and we talked for awhile. It was great to see her, she knew me before I had kids; and it was fun to introduce her to my boys. She was also a big help holding Finn for me during the VBS Finale. Unfortunately the Army called, and they will be moving Monday. But wow, what a small world!

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