Monday, June 15, 2009

Cullen's friend, Jeff

I think Cullen has an imaginary friend named Jeff. The past month he's been talking about Jeff, lately it's been several times a day! I'm not sure what to make of this, I never had an imaginary friend, so I keep telling myself he has a wonderful imagination! Or maybe he's some kind of genius... I think I read that once.... maybe, right?? ;)

This morning he has talked about Jeff two times. The first was FIRST thing this morning. After telling me "good morning" he said "Jeff got me some balls, want to see?" Then he pretended to pull something out of his pretend pocket and showed me his open palm. The second thing was when we were driving to Vacation Bible School. He told me "Jeff gave me a ride, and his car is waaaay over there" (as he points off into the distance). I asked what kind of car Jeff has and he told me "a white truck".

It's a good thing Cullen is our oldest, he's really breaking us in on his whole parenting thing!

1 comment:

terry mccaffery said...

My brother Timmy had an imaginary friend for a long time. My older brither and I would always ask him how he felt about certain things etc. Actually timmy was a riot and always had us in stitches laughing good luck terry