Thursday, June 11, 2009

j e l l o

What is childhood without jigglers? Cullen enjoys helping in the kitchen and was thrilled to make his own shapes in the jello. I have a feeling we'll do this a lot throughout the years.

I thought I'd share a funny story from today. The boys and I were driving in the car when Cullen said "Daddy's are at work. Mommy's are at home." This peaked my interest, so I asked "What do mommy's do?" His response was "I dunno, they pick up and put stuff away." I thought that was funny... if only that was all my "job" entailed.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

That is a funny picture of Cullen! I can imagine all the fun he had with the jello! Finn looks a lot different to me in that picture, too. Maybe you guys should just come back to Kansas so I can get a good look at them! :)