Sunday, June 28, 2009

Finny is 10 months

climbing the stairs

playing at the park

you can see a few top teeth

cruise walking

going from crawling to sitting

This past month has brought a lot of changes for Finn! He got four of this top teeth in all in a matter of three days. But now he's sleeping through the night again (THANK GOODNESS!). He has started crawling on all fours now the majority of the time. He pulls up onto anything and everything now and is just starting to cruise walk, and he loves to practice walking when holding onto our hands. With the pulling up came the climbing the stairs...

I believe I am in the running for the Mother of the Year Award... A week ago I was cleaning up in the kitchen when I thought the boys were being awfully quiet. Much to my surprise Cullen and Finn were nowhere to be found... until I went upstairs. Finn had climbed up seven stairs went across the landing and was on his third step on the 2nd set of stairs! Cullen was upstairs playing. Finn must have seen him go up the stairs and went up after him! (We have since put up a gate)

Some of my favorite firsts are his kisses. He'll now kiss you when you ask for them. :) He's also a point 'n grunt man. He points his little index finger at stuff and grunts for you to talk about it. We are also starting so see his humorous side. He's laughing a lot more (mostly at brother) and loves to play peek a boo. Thankfully it appears the Lord gave Finn-Finn a since of humor, he'll need it having Cullen as an older brother! Finn continues to be the calm amongst the craziness Cullen brings.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Okay, you guys seriously need to come back! I want a Finn-Finn kiss!