Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Stations of the Cross.  Beautiful Golden Dome in the background!
What a beautiful day to do the outdoor Stations of the Cross around Lake Saint Joseph!  Not a cloud in the sky.  The little boys were angels... they did so good.  Cullen enjoyed following along in his own book.

My friends for the rosary!  I'll miss them!
After Stations of the Cross, I asked my rosary friends for a picture, to remember them by.  Since our time is winding down here.  They suggested we walk back to the Grotto, since that's where we all met.  Perfect.  I love the sunbeams coming down by the Blessed Mother.

(L to R) Mark, Simone (Frieda's youngest grand-daughter), Adam, Frieda, me and Martha (Adam's mom)

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