Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Emily's visit!

"our helper" as we antiqued in Amish Country

Entering Topeka, Indiana.  Life in the PAST Lane.

Topeka, Indiana

Lot's of Amish folk in horse and buggies!

I had a great time showing Emily around.  We got home Sunday night in time to eat dinner then hurry to the rosary at the Grotto with Sunday Vespers immediately following in the Basilica.  So beautiful!  They had Irish music in honor of Saint Patrick's Day.

Monday we went all around campus.  Then watched the movie Pitch Perfect after the boys went to bed.

Tuesday we went to Amish Country.  We went antiquing and went to Topeka, Indiana.  :)  Tuesday night we went out to eat at our favorite restaurant.. Corn Dance.  Yum!

I dropped her off at the bus on campus at 6 am this morning.  It was a great visit!

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