Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Christ has died, but He is risen!

We had a wonderful Easter, our last here in South Bend. The boys were up early hunting for their Easter baskets. We went to the 10 am (2nd of 3 Masses) Mass at the Basilica. It was standing room only! We got incredibly lucky and got 2nd row seats, as they opened some reserved pews just where we were standing. It was a beautiful Mass. As we left there were loooong lines waiting to get a seat at the noon Mass.

We walked straight over to the South Dining Hall for their famous Easter Brunch. Food was great, atmosphere was perfect, and it beats preparing a huge meal for four!

On our walk back to the car, we stopped at my beloved Grotto to light a few candles and pray.

I hope the boys share my special memories of these blessed days!

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