Tuesday, April 3, 2012

my birthday

The McCaffery bike gang.

These steps take you to the Grotto.
I love all the pink tulips!!

More tulips leading into the back
entrance into the Basilica.

Cullen hanging out on the steps into
Corby Hall. Where all the priests and
brothers live. :)

God, Country, Notre Dame.

HUGE lilac bushes!

Ice cream cake after bike rides and dinner. Yum!

I had a really nice birthday! It was nice to get out for a walk/bike ride through campus and enjoy the beautiful flowers. It was sunny, but by the time we made it to campus it was cloudy... again... at least it didn't rain. I am so proud of Cullen, he did a fabulous job riding his bike all around campus!! It was our first time off our driveway. I was worried he would crash into students walking, but he did really well!!! :) Sean took a video of it, I'll try to upload it.

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