Monday, October 26, 2009

a trip to regain my sanity

the boys with cousin Clare

Cullen was excited to see Clare again

If only Finn had been looking!

playing Memory with Coco

Getting ready to Trunk or Treat with
cousins Adah and Arley

This witch was trying to talk Cullen into eating
her "Army Man Soup"... if only she knew...

I was on the brink of losing my mind last week. Sean had been gone for 2 weeks and SOMEONE had been sick for those whole 2 weeks! What better to do, than pack up and drive to Grandma & Grandpa's?? That's what we did! We spent almost a week there and I was able to recharge my batteries. It was a fun and unexpected trip. Now I'm back to reality... snow, laundry, dusting....

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