Tuesday, October 6, 2009

out of the mouths of babies

Today we had stamped concrete put in where the step off the deck will be. So there were two Hispanic men laying the concrete in the backyard all day. (Which totally entertained the boys, they were glued to the sliding door all day!) Cullen says to me, mom why are those guys black? I thought he we go, I've known this day would come... I explained that they're not black, but their skin is more brown. I tried explaining they are called Hispanic, we are called Caucasians, etc. I tried explaining that different people are different colors b/c of where their families are from... A few hours later we were walking down an aisle at the grocery store, when Cullen exclaimed "Mom, I see another BROWN person!" If you know Cullen, you know anything he says is about 3 levels too loud, forget if he's excited about something. I quickly tried telling him everybody is different, but we just don't talk about it. So back at home Cullen, watching the men work again, tells me- "Is that guy Diego's dad?" Apparently it's starting to click with Cullen that everyone's different.

On a different note... I'm working with Cullen on my name, Sean's name, the city we live in, the street we live on, etc... Yesterday I asked Cullen what my name is... he told me my first and last name correctly. Then I asked him what his dad's name is... he answered "Citibank." Taken back, I said no Cullen, what is daddy's name? He promptly replied "Citibank." I could have died. Can you imagine what his teachers (let alone a good samaritan- if he was lost or something) would think if that's what he told them? They would probably think I refer to my husband as Citibank! (Which I DON'T!!) My mom told me he probably answered that way b/c he was bored with me asking him easy questions. He's known for awhile what our first and last names are.

All I know is, this kid is going to get me or Sean in trouble someday! God bless us and save us.

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