Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Funny things my kids say...

The boys have been pretty funny lately, I want to write this before I forget.

Lately Finn starts most of his sentences as: "listen to this mom, this is going to make you laugh...." But the other day he said: "listen to this mom, this is going to make you think I really am Superman...."

Tonight we went out to eat to celebrate Sean's acceptance into ILE in Leavenworth. We told the boys the good news at dinner, while I was about to tell them where we were moving, Cullen interrupted and said "are we moving to China??!?" With a look of horror on his face.

We were all talking about all the great things the move will bring, how close to family we'll be, etc. then Finn chimed in with we'll be close to Gage Park too! :)

Then Cullen went onto say he is ready to move, we've been in Indiana for a long time. (Yikes, said like a true Army Brat!)

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