Monday, October 29, 2012

Aherns in Indy

Another K-Stater at the bar in Indianapolis.
He told us we were waaaaaay older than him.  Ha!  He graduated in 2010.

Cullen, Finn and Seamus having pizza.
 The three boys had a great time playing together!  Seamus will be 3 in December.
They had fun building with legos and being firemen!

Sean and James

me and Tess

We drove down to Indianapolis just after lunch on Saturday to spend some time at Sean's cousin's house. It was fun!  We spent the afternoon with them, all the boys went outside to play football and wrestled in the leaves.  Marion and I hung out and played with cute, baby Tess. 

They had friends over that night to celebrate James' birthday.  Marion arranged a babysitter to come over and stay at the house (while the kids slept) while we watched ND beat Oklahoma at a bar.   It was a great time, the four of us stayed up until 3am catching up and talking.

We hung out for a bit in the morning, before we hit the road back to South Bend to hit up Zoo Boo!

By the way... How awesome is this football season for Sean and me!  KSU #2 and ND #3?!?  Awesome!  Very exciting time to be living here at Notre Dame!  What am I going to do if they play each other!!??

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