Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finn at the ND football game

Here come the Irish!

Right after this picture, the Leprechaun ran over and gave Cullen a high-five.  Too bad I didn't get a picture of it! :) Cullen wanted me to hurry with this pic, they kept telling everyone to stay off the sidewalk.

Tons of people on campus on game days! (South Quad)

Football game with Daddy!

Cullen and I wandered around the bookstore...

A little nap during the 4th Quarter!

The Irish Guard... they must be 6'2" tall at minimum.

After watching the trumpets play inside the Golden Dome (Main Building).

We took advantage of a lot of the on campus activities before the ND vs BYU game Saturday.  We watched the trumpets play under the Golden Dome.  It was beautiful.  They all stand around the railings on each level of the dome and play the fight song and Notre Dame Hymn.  There many more people commented on Finn's pretty red hair.  :)

Then we watched the cheerleaders, Irish Guard, and the marching band march into the stadium.  Those Irish Guards are so TALL!

Finn enjoyed the day at the game with Sean.  It was a nice day for it, really.  Sean was surprised at how well Finn did.  He cheer[ed], cheer[ed] for 'ole Notre Dame {fight song lyrics} the whole time.  Well... until the 4th Quarter, when he caught a quick nap!  He was wired when he got home, talking a mile a minute.

We can't get over our 2 favorite college football teams this year both undefeated and ranked #4 and #5! Go Cats and Irish!!  It will be fun to take the boys to some KSU football games next year...

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