Sunday, August 29, 2010

Choo-Choo! Finn is two!

Finn saying "All aaaboooarrrd!"

We had a party in honor of Finn's second birthday this weekend. We had a really good time! A lot of our friends were able to make it, we feel so lucky to have such good friends out here. I think we had 11 adults and 7 kids (not including us). We rented a dinosaur bounce house, which was a huge hit!! Luckily the weather was really nice, and not too hot, so we were able to spend the whole time outside on the deck watching the kiddos bounce and ride the little roller coaster (Finn started riding backwards!). And of course, we all pigged out on grilled brats, hotdogs, hamburgers, fruit salsa with cinnamon sugar pita chips, homemade make-your-own veggie pizza, etc. Finn was so excited for the "choo-choo train" cake I made for him. All morning leading up the party all he could talk about was his choo-choo train cake, and the bounce house! :) The kids were worn out by 8 and all asking for a movie... the adults watched in awe as the big kids crawled onto the couch, sat still, and watched Scooby Doo in silence. :) Slowly, the families started leaving, and we gave each kid a The Little Red Caboose or Tootle Little Golden Book and each family a bag of White Chocolate Popcorn Party Mix.

I can't believe my little baby is now 2. He's changed so much in the past year. He's got so much spunk and at the same time he's my little snuggler and loves to give kisses and hugs. He's talking a lot now and likes to end his sentences in " 'k mom? 'k?" It's got such a twang to it, I love it. It reminds me a lot of myself in my childhood home movies. I'm sure this year will fly by as well, then my little Finn-Finn will be off to preschool! I am really cherishing the days at home with my boys, it all goes too fast.

Tonight we will have our family celebration for Finn. And, of course, continuing our tradition of enjoying a Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dinosaur Resource Center

I figured it was time to plan another FRG event, so I scheduled a time for us to meet at the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park. The boys really enjoyed seeing all the dinosaur skeletons. Cullen told me, before we got there, that he really wanted to see "the dinosaur with the plates on his back" (Stegosaurus. I thought he had a good description.) and the T. Rex. There were a few more kids there, it was just hard to get them all to cooperate for a picture!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

somebody's son

So, here's what happened Sunday night (really, it was a little after 2am on Monday morning). Chris and Margaret brought me to and took me home from the Mile High Music Festival. We all had such an amazing time! On the way home, Chris slept in the passengers seat and Margaret and I talked all the way back to Colorado Springs. Once we got into town, there are several ways to get to my house... and I remember thinking to myself that Margaret is taking a different way than I would have.

We pull up to a stoplight in the far right lane (traveling Eastbound), next to a car in the middle lane, and there was another car behind that one. As soon as the light changed, we noticed that the first car in the middle lane was all over the road, Margaret and I talked about it and she kept her distance. Then we pull up to another light and stopped, when that light turned, the car in the middle lane went really slow, then he gunned it. He took off waaaay over the 45 mile speed limit! I commented on how he was turning his left blinker on (no where to turn at this point) and he was wasn't staying in any one lane. About that time we both gasped when we saw his car hit the left curb (median) and disappear out of our sight. (There is also a slight bend to the right in the road right here.)

About 5 seconds later we got to the point where we lost sight of him. We notice about three sprinklers gushing water straight into the air (10 feet high), then we notice two large evergreen trees that appear to have been chopped down at the trunk laying in the other lane (Westbound), and then we saw the accident. His car was upside down in the Westbound lane with the headlights pointing West. We both screamed and woke Chris up. At this point I distinctly remember thinking to myself how lucky he is that there was a nurse (Margaret) and a SF Medic (Chris) in the car. I told them to help him and I would call 911.

I made the 911 call and Chris ran over to the car, ripped the door off and started shouting at him to squeeze his hand, asking if he could hear us, etc. Nothing. He was breathing, but not responding. At this point some man came running down the street (not sure where he came from, maybe he heard it in his house?) and the car behind the guy back at the first light stopped and a couple came running out. The couple from the other car said they didn't even notice his car crash, but saw that we stopped, so they did too. They told us that he had been driving erratically for about 8 miles and happened to be traveling the same way as him and had just kept their distance.

Finally a police car arrives, so I get off the phone with 911. I had been so calm up to this point, but as soon as I hung up I started shaking uncontrollably. I was in complete shock. The police radioed to other units to shut down the Westbound lane. Then the paramedics and firefighters arrived. They told us to stand on the Eastbound side sidewalk and then the police took all of our statements, one at a time. During my statement, I remember the policeman asking me if I saw anyone run from the vehicle after the crash. He asked me this several times in different ways. I told him I was positive that no one left the vehicle... the car was in such bad shape, I don't think anyone could've walked away from it at all.

The paramedics and firefighters finally free the man from the car and put him on a stretcher and finally take him away to the hospital. I watched, from the sidewalk, the policeman going through his personal belongings... probably trying to get information on who he is. About this point I remembered as a child, my mom always telling me to pray when I saw an ambulance with its lights on... pray for the people they are trying to help, and for the paramedics that they do their job well. So I blurted out loud, "God be with you, God help you" as they loaded him onto ambulance.

Margaret was washing the man's blood off of Chris' hands. Chris told us he had his eyes open, he wasn't wearing a seat belt, and he smelled like booze. Chris said he thought the man would probably live, he was openly frustrated with how he put us all in danger. I was upset too, but seeing everything made me think of my two boys and that this young man (early-mid 20's) was somebody's son too. That family will have to live with the consequences of his bad choice tonight too. It was all too sad.

The policeman told us we could leave and to answer our phone if he calls us later, if he needs more information. Margaret took me the short 2 miles back to my house. (The accident happened a short distance from a busy intersection right outside my neighborhood.) They dropped me off to my empty house and I thought now what?? There is no way I'm going to get any sleep. And I didn't... I kept replaying everything, wondering if he survived, thinking of one of the bumpers by my feet when I was on the phone with 911 (still standing near the median in the Eastbound lane) the bumper had temporary tags... the car was brand new... I kept thinking to myself how Margaret took a different way back to my house, than I would have.

The next morning, on the way to pick up the boys, I went by the scene of the accident and took the above pictures (I was traveling Westbound, where his car ended up.) You can kind of see the dark spot on the road, where the car landed and all the car fluids leaked. There was still some glass on the road, and they had chopped the trees into smaller pieces and left it in the median.

I've been checking the police blotter online since the accident, but nothing has been posted. I finally called the police department today and told them I was first on the scene and made the 911 call and was wondering if the man survived. She looked it up on the computer and said that there has been no updates to the original report, so that he did indeed survive.

I don't know how first responders do this job everyday. This crash scene was so horrific, it has left an indelible mark on me. Without a doubt, I will tell this story to my boys when it's time to talk to them about drinking and driving, and I will pray they never make such a bad decision. Now that the shock has worn off a bit, I feel really blessed and thankful. Blessed that he didn't hit us... God puts us all in situations for a reason, I'm going to walk away from this one smarter and happy for each (uneventful) day.

I just pray that the young man will do the same... and NEVER drink and drive again.

Monday, August 16, 2010

DMB & The Mile High Music Festival

The tickets, VIP wristbands, and Dave Matthews
Lounge stickers that Boyd left at will-call for us.

The girls! Allison, Margaret, me and Ellen.

A panoramic view of the mainstage area.
This is were we sat at tables and hung out in between shows.
(they also had couches up here!)

Aveda sponsored free massages for the VIPs.

Hanging out in the Dave Matthews Lounge.
VIP of the VIP. Free drinks in here- anything beer,
liquor, izze's, organic sweet tea, etc.

Getting our "swag" from the Whole Foods tent
in the VIP of the VIP area.

The VIP bathrooms- these are like the bathrooms
the guys used in Iraq.

The gate for the VIP of the VIP.
(where the DMB Lounge was)

Watching Weezer. :)

Boyd and Dave!!

Dave and his friend, Jeff Coffin on banjo, jamming out to Cornbread.
Loved the banjo, really bluegrass!

They had this big walkway for the VIPs (b/c we had the DMB Lounge stickers).
Nice... no lines to wait in, and it wasn't crowded at all!

Another VIP area we watched from.

My "swag" from the Whole Foods tent.

Sunday night Dave Matthews Band played at the Mile High Music Festival. Sean had emailed Boyd Tinsley, the violinist, and Boyd hooked us up with 8 VIP tickets and DMB Lounge passes. Unfortunately at the last minute, Sean got pulled away to go to a school and had to miss it! A huge bummer!!

We watched Atmosphere, Weezer, and Dave Matthews. The festival was really cool and had quite the motley crew of people. I thought it was really interesting how many hippies I saw doing hula hoops randomly. Wish I would've gotten a picture of that. The weather really cooperated with us too, 80 at the concert, and it was about 60 when I got home at 2:30 this morning. Two storms came by, one north of us with lots of lightening and one south of us. We got lucky with no rain.

It was an awesome festival! I just wish Sean could've been there to enjoy it with me. :( The very end of the night was quite the opposite of the carefree, fun concerts. I'll blog about that another time.

Here's the DMB playlist from the night:
Shake Me Like a Monkey
Stay or Leave
You Might Die Trying
What Would You Say
Funny the Way it is
Lie in Our Graves
Baby Blue (with Tim Reynolds)
Why I Am
Two Step
You and Me
Ants Marching

Some Devil
Jimi Thing

Monday, August 9, 2010

Deep Thoughts... by Cullen

Just a taste of our (random!) daily conversations. :)

The other day we were driving somewhere and Cullen asked, out of nowhere, "Mom, why do people eat brains?" What? Cullen, why do you think people eat brains? Cullen- "I saw it on TV." I have no idea, Cullen... I guess some people in other countries eat brain, I'm not sure. Cullen- "Where, who eats the brains?" I dunno, maybe Africa... I replied. (I'm not sure WHO in the heck eats brain... I just said Africa ((another country he's heard of recently)), and Cullen was satisfied with my answer.)

Then today in the car... Cullen said "Mom, you sure have a nice name." What is my name, Cullen? "Your name is Ashley. I think everyone in our family has a nice name, mom." I do too, Cullen. "But some people don't have nice names." Like who, Cullen? "I dunno, probably the people that eat brains."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sesame Street Live

Keegan, Finn, Cullen, and Isaiah

the Sesame Street gang

Finn loved seeing Boo-Boo (Elmo)

Sesame Street puts on several free shows at Fort Carson every year to talk to the kiddos about deployments. It's a nice show and they give out those free light up Elmo toys as you come in. I took Cullen a few years ago, and he thought the show was okay... he just had fun playing with his buddy Isaiah. Finn really enjoyed the show, and LOVED Elmo... or Boo-Boo, as he calls him. :) Finn also started saying Keegan's name the same night. Keegan is the first non-family person he has called by name. :)

On another note, I may be starting to potty train much sooner than I planned. Finn has been staying dry all morning and peeing in the toilet a few times each day before nap. We'll see how it goes, I guess I'll just follow his lead.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Denver Aquarium

Finn was in heaven, water everywhere!!

Walking through the tunnel,
we saw lots of stingrays and people scuba diving!

Checking out the HUGE fish.

Finn-Finn was giving this fish a kiss. :)

Finn and Daddy watching the tiger.

The tiger was fun to watch, he even growled at us!

Cullen was interested in the coral reefs.

The jelly fish were really cool, both boys enjoyed them.

We went to the Denver Aquarium Saturday. We haven't been to an aquarium in awhile, the last one was when we went to the Fort Fisher Aquarium in NC when Cullen was a little younger than Finn. It was a really fun day with the boys, they were both really interested in all the fish, sharks, starfish, Nemo and Dory fish, etc. We had lunch there at the Aquarium Restaurant, and sat by another huge tank with sharks.

Last night we all went to Dairy Queen after dinner and talked about what our favorite thing at the aquarium was. Cullen's was the tiger and the flash flood (There was a flash flood simulator, if you stood by the Plexiglas, you got splashed.. Cullen did.) Not sure what Finn's favorite was, we couldn't understand his answer, I think it was stomping in all the puddles in the aquarium or all the water in general. Sean's favorite was the tiger and the lion fish, and mine was the jellyfish or seahorses.

We noticed there is a Children's Museum right next to the aquarium. The boys had so much fun at the one in Portland, I'm already planning on taking them up there sometime this winter.

my boys are growing up...

I can't believe how fast the boys are growing up! Cullen is reading up a storm. He spotted that Super Friends book when we were out last week, so I bought it for him. He's reading it with little to no mistakes now. It's a huge step up from the Bob Books, and we aren't even all the way through them yet!

In other news, Finn peed in the toilet for the first time last night! I knew it would happen soon. :) He was so proud and he laughed and laughed. He wants to be a big boy like Cullen so bad. I'm not going to start potty training him yet, he's still so young. I guess I'll just keep offering it to him before bath time.

It won't be long and I'll have one in school and the other in big boy underwear....

POST EDIT- Finn told me he had to go potty right before nap today, I let him try and he did it again!! Yay Finn!

I should add, Finn is talking a lot now! One Sean's favorite things Finn says is "get 'em, get 'em, get 'em" as he runs after Cullen to rough-house. :) Boys.