Thursday, April 15, 2010

what are the odds??

Yesterday after Finn and I dropped Cullen off at preschool, I ran over to the tailor to pick up my jeans. Finn was enjoying himself walking and holding my hand, feeling like a big boy. Once we got to the car, I loaded him in the carseat and he threw a massive fit.. I assumed he didn't want to get back into the car. When I put the car into reverse he threw something and it hit the back of my seat, I turned around and his shoe was off.

Once we got home I looked a little for his shoe, but figured it would show up. After picking Cullen up from preschool, I really scoured the car looking for Finn's lost shoe. How could a shoe get lost in a car?? Emma, Taryn's mom, was parked next to me and we were chatting a little. They too, were getting over the flu at their house. Finally, I expressed my frustration on not being able to find Finn's shoe. Emma said, "You're going to think I'm crazy, but you didn't happen to be over at Powers and Constitution this morning were you?" My jaw dropped, yes! I had been at a tailor over there. So was Emma, the tailor is making a flower girl dress for Taryn. Emma found Finn's shoe about 10 miles away from preschool. We went straight over there and there is was, just where Emma said she saw it.

Poor Finn was trying to tell me his shoe fell off earlier. I assumed the toy that hit the back of my seat was his shoe!

What are the odds of that happening??

Cullen-ism for the day: "Mommy, you are a genius!" When I sat a pair of jammies out last night that Cullen likes. :)

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