Monday, April 19, 2010


Sean threw me a surprise 30th birthday party this Saturday. He booked a private room at our favorite restaurant, Nosh. I thought he was up to something around my actual birthday, but then nothing happened, so when suspicious things started up again, I wondered if it was just my imagination.

It was awesome walking in to see all my (CO) best friends. Allison and Sonya did a lot of the behind the scenes work, they contacted my mom and sister and dug up a lot of old pictures. My sister was sweet enough to send my old Glamour Shots picture from 6th grade! We had a ton of glorious food and the pastry chef made a wonderful cake.

After dinner we went out downtown and closed down the bars. Jonas ended up doing a karate chop on the table, broke it in half, which lead to 3 full drinks being spilled on Sean's jeans. He was escorted out. Luckily that was the only drama that night... you never know with our men...

It was an amazing night!! I am so lucky to have Sean as my husband, and such great family and friends in my life. Thank you, I love you. :)

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