Friday, November 20, 2009

family day

Finn, Cullen, Luke, and Maggie

Luke is outta there, that megaphone was loud!

Finn checking out the crawl space in the team room.

Cullen watching TV on the loft in Daddy's team room.

me shooting an M9

I don't want to brag, but the Soldier teaching me
told me I was a good shot.... :)

It's got a kick to it!

Me with my friends- Jessica and Allison

We did it!!

Cullen loves a good bounce house!

Checking out the ATV's

Of course, you've got to push all the buttons!
Cullen is good at pushing buttons.

In a very TALL truck.
Forgive me, I don't recall the name.

Tired boys after a long day at Daddy's work.
Notice the two Action Man's. :)

Daddy is finally home from Kyrgyzstan!! He got in while Cullen was at preschool, so Sean was able to surprise him by picking him up when school was over. It was so sweet to see the surprise in Cullen's face. He was thrilled! Finn has really been taking it all in, we can tell he remembers Sean. Finn's also on his way to being a Daddy's boy again, wanting Daddy to carry him, etc. And of course, Daddy brought back souvenirs... Cullen got a Snake Attack Action Man and Finn got the Police Man Action Man with a barking dog. The boys are in love, they love Action Man!!

Today was Family Day at the Battalion. This is the first Family Day they've had since we got here. We all had a blast! It started with a catered BBQ lunch and a chili contest. Jessica, Allison, and I bravely tried all 14 chili's and voted on the best. Some were very unique... one was made with Duck, and another with Elk. Then it was off to let the little ones jump on the bounce house.

While the kids were occupied, the girls and I made a run for it and went to the range to shoot. We caught the last bus out there. It was really fun! We donned our bulletproof vests and helmets and moved out. I shot a few times and had no idea where the bullets were going (the target had a ton of shots in it), so I asked the Soldier helping me. I was worried I wasn't even hitting the target. He told me I hit it every time and the last one was in the gut. When I was done, he told me I was a good shot. Most went into the gut and a few between the breast bone and shoulder. Not bad for my first time shooting a gun! We closed down the range and headed back to relieve the men.

We then let the kids run around the team room a bit. A team guy (with no children) thought it would be a good idea to teach Cullen how to use the Megaphone. I think he quickly realized that was not a good idea. :) Then on the way out to the car to head home, we had to make a quick stop to see some Army vehicles. It was a fun day! I'm sure the boys are having sweet dreams tonight.

A Cullen side note... When we told Cullen about going to Daddy's work today, I think he thought that he was going to work with Sean by himself-- to REALLY work and help. He went on to say, "Mom, when I'm a big kid, I'm going to the Army to help Daddy. You can stay here, cause I'm bigger." When I asked him what he'll do in the Army to help Dad he said "You know, clean up and pick things up."

1 comment:

Courtney Marchbank said...

Yay! I'm glad he's home....everyone looked so happy in the pictures! That's funny that Finn has turned back into being a Daddy's boy...he never wants to be held!! I wish I could've seen Cullen's face when Sean surprised him...I bet he was "so 'cited." Ooh, I also like your Ugg boots...I could see them in one of the shootin' pictures!