Saturday, November 14, 2009


My boys are animals. Thursday night, we went to a fellow team-wife's house for a playdate. I was excited to go, another friend of ours was in town and I hadn't seen her or her son in a year. After dinner, us mom's were in the kitchen cleaning up and we hear a big bang coming from downstairs, where the 3 older boys were playing. I called down to Cullen to ask what it was, he said the drums fell. A little later we move downstairs to start the clean-up down there. Turns out, Cullen was moving the large drum set from Luke's room to the playroom, where he ended up breaking it. I felt so bad! Looks like we'll be buying Luke a new drum set in the near future. Luke was crying about it, it was an uncomfortable situation to be in...

Then we all move upstairs to clean up. Jack was entertaining Finn and playing real nice with him while we picked up dinosaurs and wood blocks. Suddenly Jack starts crying and runs to his mom. When I asked him what happened, he turned to me and before he could even speak... I saw. Finn bit him hard right on his cheek, not far from his eye. Eight perfect teeth marks. Crap. My boys are animals. Breaking drums, biting 5 year olds... I'm sure we gave them a lot to talk about after we left!

Looks as though my boys are not going to be victims... they are going to be the perpetrators.

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