Friday, September 11, 2009

first day of school

F I N A L L Y ! ! The long awaited day has arrived. Cullen had his first day of preschool today. It really wasn't a day, it was an hour... you know, to ease them into it. (Not needed for kids like Cullen.) His teacher this year is Mrs. Titus and Cullen is in a room full of boys- 9 boys and 6 girls, I think. Mrs. Titus joked about it b/c she raised four boys herself. She's been a preschool teacher for 20+ years and I know Cullen is in good hands.

1 comment:

Courtney Marchbank said...

Whoohoo! He's looking debonaire in his back to school clothes! Can't wait to hear about how school goes for him.

Oh..and I love the new song you added! :)