Monday, September 7, 2009

7 Falls

at the top!

take a look at all those steps

the view from the Eagle's Nest
(can see the 7 Falls over my right shoulder)

another view from the Eagle's Nest

Finn enjoyed his perch

We continued on in our "vacationing" in our hometown today. Today we visited 7 Falls. It was a really nice day for it. Once we got there my mother panic set in, and I was wondering why in the world I thought my three year old could climb the 224 steep steps up to the top of the falls. But in true trooper spirit, Cullen made it up and down with no problems... and a little disappointed that I said no to the 1 mile hike at the top of the falls. At one point (probably 75% in) Cullen said,"Man, I am getting sick of this, I bet the hippos are sick of it too." As a reward for being such a good boy, we got some ice cream when we were finished- which Cullen happily shared with the chipmunks. :)

Here's the Cullen-ism for today: Right as we were walking out the door to go to Seven Falls this morning, Cullen said to me out of nowhere "'Member when Finn threw up all over your leg? I don't want to be a mommy when I grow up, I want to be a daddy. 'Kay?"

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