Wednesday, April 29, 2009

room mom/ kids say the darndest things

I was room mother in Cullen's class again Tuesday. I love helping in his room and being able to sit back and watch him interact with his peers. My job was the painting station, it was really messy, but fun! Cullen was really excited to be the leader for the day. He took his job very seriously! He brought in another one of his favorite books for show and tell and helped me pick out the class snack (Teddy Grahams, bananas, and peach white grape juice) which he helped serve.

They are having a field day the last day of school. I signed up to run the Simon Says station... This is a hilarious age, that should be a riot.

Speaking of hilarious... Sean has referred to Finn being full "on boobie milk" two times that I can recall... So anyway, the boys and I and were out shopping Monday when Finn started getting fussy. When Cullen says loudly "What's wrong Finn, do you need some boobie milk??" I died. Then looked over my shoulder and high tailed it out of there! (There were some people within earshot... bet they got a good chuckle.) Thanks Sean.

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