Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Cullen found were the Easter Bunny hid his basket.

"Are you kidding me, this is it? Have you seen Cullen's basket?"

It was a Spiderman/Scooby-Doo Easter...

The neighbors hid some eggs in the front yard for Cullen.
(Lovely weather we had...)

Finn loved the little rabbits!!

Hope everyone had a good Easter! We had a fun Easter. Cullen got up bright and early to hunt for his (and Finn's) basket. It was hard to pull him away from it to eat breakfast and get to church. He was even a perfect angel in church! (It's still hit and miss with him.) After nap Cullen went out and found some eggs the neighbors hid for him (in the snow!). Then we had two single Soldiers over for an early dinner. I think Cullen summed it up well, before bed he told me "Mom, this was a good day!" :)

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