Monday, April 13, 2009

hunting & decorating eggs

Cullen at the egg hunt (he still looks sleepy).

How sweet is the reward!

Ummm, chocolate....

Decorating the eggs

Finn "helping"

I took Cullen to an Easter egg hunt Saturday morning. Sean and Finn stayed behind, it was snowing and we weren't sure if it would be moved indoors. Luckily it was moved in, it was freezing! Cullen wasn't too into the hunt, he was more interested in the toys around the room. The goal was to find as many eggs as you could, the boy and girl that found the most got a big prize- but everyone left with a bag of candy. Some of the eggs had change in them, so that motivated Cullen a little more... Cullen found 54 eggs, and the boy who won found 400!!

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