Thursday, April 9, 2009

preschool tales

Cullen had an Easter Party at preschool today. He was so wound up and was excited to go thru his Easter Basket (each parent brought in something for the kids to put in everyones basket). I asked him what they had for snack today, he told me Mickey Mouse cupcakes (it was a girls b-day). Then I asked him what drink they had, he said "I don't know, I didn't want it... it was princess cups." I told him it was okay to drink from a princess cup. He replied "No, mom, I not a gurl. I am a boy. Okay? I drink from a princess cup, I be a gurl. I don't want to be a gurl. I be a gurl later, okay mom?" But I doubt he would have turned down the cupcake had there been a princess on it... :)

Wow, already at the age of 3 he shows such strong gender preferences! I didn't notice any girls in his class getting upset about the Diego cups we brought in when I was room mom...

Here's my Spiderman scaling the wall...

I was in the kitchen, with my back to Cullen, when I hear him call me. This is what I turned around to... :) In other random news, Finn's second tooth broke through today.

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