Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Silly boy, nighttime is for sleeping!

The last few weeks, bedtime with Finn has been horrid. The boy wants to stay up all night, trash his room, throw Legos at Cullen's door, get out of his room, into Cullen's and blare Cullen's radio (while Cullen sleeps peacefully, believe it or not), I've also found Finn climbing into bed with Cullen! Then FINALLY, when I hear no strange noises coming from Finn's room... I find him sleeping on the floor. One night I was in the computer room working on FRG rosters, and left to find Finn sleeping in the hallway. Another night, he pulled EVERY one of his books off the bookshelves. Really, this mess is not as bad as some I walk into...

Hopefully, this phase will pass quickly. I'm getting really sick of cleaning his room every morning!!

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