Wednesday, February 2, 2011

goodbye diapers!

Finn modeling his Toy Story underwear.
He's so proud of himself! :)

What a smart boy, he's only 29 months.

I am so proud of Finn-Finn! He is now officially potty-trained! He's been doing really well at staying dry all day in his underwear. Yesterday I sent him to hourly care in underwear and he stayed dry. Today we went to Colton's birthday party and he stayed dry there too. (Thankfully, I forgot his change of clothes at home!) I still put a diaper on him at nap and bedtime, just in case... but I don't think it will be long before I say goodbye to diapers altogether. I can't wait to stop buying diapers!! We've been buying them for just over 5 years now...

Tonight we're off to Chuck E. Cheese, as promised for pooping in the toilet. :)

Click here for the link to Cullen in his big boy underwear.

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