Monday, February 7, 2011

Like nothing on Earth....Vail

Almost the end of the day.
We were freezing, but having fun!

Getting ready for lunch on top of the mountain,
after skiing for a few hours.
Elevation on top is 11,220'
From here, we skied down to the bottom where
the elevation is 8,217'

Sean and me.

I look like a ninja!

Feeling out the hot tub.
We sat in the hot tub both nights. It was nice,
especially on night 2 after skiing all day. The
boys liked watching the snow fall on us,
as we sat in the water. :)

Playing in the pool.

Finn and Cullen took turns jumping into the pool.

Cullen going to ski school. :)
He was so excited to wear his new goggles!!

Cullen after a day of skiing in Vail.

Finn and Daddy outside our hotel.
The ski lift was right in our backyard!

Our room. Cullen was excited to sleep in the bed
that comes out of the wall.

Our family got away to Vail for the weekend. We were lucky enough to get in on an Army Marriage Retreat. The Army pays for our lodging, and breakfast and dinner. It was a much needed get away from our current stressors- Sean's demanding job, applying for grad school, studying for the GMAT, an upcoming move, where are we moving???, etc.

We had all day Saturday to ourselves, so we put Finn in the nursery (next year Finn can join Cullen in ski school), enrolled Cullen in ski school, and Sean and I went skiing. Everyone had a fun day! Finn did lots of artwork and got to go outside and play in the snow. Cullen LOVED ski school and rode the magic carpet and skied all day. We got a great report at the end of the day, he's a natural and can stop with no problems.

Sean and I enjoyed the day to ourselves on the slopes. We spent the whole day on the mountain. It was an interesting change from last year... Vail had much more powder (Past your knees if you got off the trail.) than Crested Butte! That took some getting used to... It pretty much snowed the whole day and at times the visibility was pretty bad, we almost ended up on a black diamond because of it at one point! We couldn't read the signs! We had to walk sideways, on our skis, up this steep hill to get back on our green trail. We did end on the blue trails though...

Vail was absolutely gorgeous! Now I see why they say "It's like nothing on Earth." It's so surreal skiing down mountains... so peaceful and quiet.

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