Monday, June 7, 2010


Out of all the jobs Sean has had in the Army, HSC Commander is by far, without any doubt, the craziest of them all! He works insane hours, has to deal with Soldiers' strange personal/family issues, and so on... Furthermore, because of his job I'm the FRG Leader... A volunteer position that no one, short of having a masters degree in social work, is qualified for. Lord have mercy. Nine more months to go!

Funny thing is, all of my other FRG Leader friends, say that command time in the company is much easier. That the Special Forces Soldiers have their stuff together, or more together anyway. So tell me why you command HSC before ODA's again?!? I know that Sean's job is an honor and much sought after, but wow. Sean and I cannot get over what an eye-opener this job has been!

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