Sunday, May 31, 2009

Manitou Springs

trying out the spring water

Our neighbors, John and Kathleen, took us to Manitou Springs to show us some of the hidden treasures only the locals know about. Kathleen grew up in Manitou, so she was able to give us a lot of useful information! After brunch, Cullen (and Sean) played a lot of games at the penny arcade. Kathleen then told us about the natural spring water fountains around town. We all got a taste... it was very interesting- it was bubbly and had a mineral taste to it... almost like what pop would taste like without any flavor. We love visiting Manitou, it's such a quaint town!

One thing that Kathleen shared with me, was an old wives' tale her grandmother passed along to her mother. When you see clouds over the top of Pikes Peak, bring a hat, it's going to be windy. Kathleen said she believes it to hold true. It'll be fun to watch for that one. :)

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