Sunday, May 31, 2009

Manitou Springs

trying out the spring water

Our neighbors, John and Kathleen, took us to Manitou Springs to show us some of the hidden treasures only the locals know about. Kathleen grew up in Manitou, so she was able to give us a lot of useful information! After brunch, Cullen (and Sean) played a lot of games at the penny arcade. Kathleen then told us about the natural spring water fountains around town. We all got a taste... it was very interesting- it was bubbly and had a mineral taste to it... almost like what pop would taste like without any flavor. We love visiting Manitou, it's such a quaint town!

One thing that Kathleen shared with me, was an old wives' tale her grandmother passed along to her mother. When you see clouds over the top of Pikes Peak, bring a hat, it's going to be windy. Kathleen said she believes it to hold true. It'll be fun to watch for that one. :)


Sean and I took the boys to the zoo for the first time this year. This was Finn's first zoo visit, he did great taking it all in. Cullen actually fed the giraffes this time; we were impressed, normally he gets freaked out and changes his mind. Cullen was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see the hippos this time. A storm blew in over the mountains and it got too cold, quick.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finn Finn is 9 months old

Look Maw, one hand...

signing more

Finn is now 9 months old! He's still doing the low-crawl everywhere and he is FAST. He's still getting up on his knees and rocking, but then drops to his belly and moves out. He's starting to pull up onto low things, and can stand up when holding onto something. He's on a pretty good schedule now sleeping until 4:30 am then back to sleep until 7:30. I'm enjoying it, it will change once more teeth come in. He's not giving up nursing, but will take formula in sippy cups with meals. He's loving the finger foods, he gets mad when we give him baby food...

One big note for him this month, is he started signing back to me. Although his "more" sign isn't perfect, it's clear it is what he is saying. He joins his hands and moves them up and down. He's been signing for about a week and a half now. I'm proud of him, Cullen didn't sign until he was 14 months old (and I started working with both of them at 6-7 months).

I should also mention that I've been hearing "ma ma ma ma ma" the last few days. I'm beginning to think he's saying it to me on purpose. I normally hear it when he's tired or hungry...

Cullen is 3 and a half

Somehow a band-aid still makes it all better.

I was just realizing that Cullen is (just about) 3 1/2! One thing I have to say is- I think that the threes are MUCH more terrible than the twos!! He has such a strong opinion on EVERYTHING! Ohh well, I guess that it shows that he is a natural leader and not a natural follower...

We just got Cullen a big boy bike over the weekend. He picked out a Spiderman bike and matching helmet. He is beyond thrilled and wants to ride it all the time, too bad the weather hasn't been cooperating. He's nuts about the helmet too, wanting to wear it around the house for no reason what-so-ever.

One thing we've been working on with him, is spelling his name. He can now spell Cullen and tell you his last name. Sometimes he'll throw Bourke (his middle name) out there too even though he has no concept of what a middle name is. I think he has grasped that mommy, daddy, and Finn all share the same last name as him. He has also been "reading" books to us at bedtime. He loves making up the story based on the pictures. Interestingly enough, every page begins with "Last night...."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cullen's graduation

with Mrs. Salazar & Mrs. Stolarck

Joe Cool with Kenton

Well, Cullen survived his first year (well, 3 months) of preschool. He loved it and thrived, considering he was the youngest in the class. It was cute to see their graduation, they sang several songs for us. Cullen did okay, although he kept asking Mrs. Stolarck if it was over yet.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Military Ball

Sean and I went to the Military Ball Friday night. We hadn't been to one in four years (I was newly pregnant with Cullen at the last one.) I was somewhat dreading it... we had to find a sitter, I had to find a formal dress, Sean had to put his uniform together, I had to figure out what I was going to do with my hair, we had just got back to CO, etc, etc... But once we were there, I remembered how proud it makes me to be part of this little piece of Americana. The Ball has so much history and tradition and it's something most people never get to experience. This is our 6th ball (we went to at least 3 when Sean was still in ROTC at K-State). I was surprised how many people were there (about 900-1,000 people)- it was significantly larger than any one I've been to before.

The Grog Bowl Ceremony brought me back to K-State. Sean was asked to run (MC) the Grog Bowl his senior year at K-State. He and the team were asked to run the Grog Bowl this year too. It's a fun tradition where the guys dress up and add strange items to the punch bowl... some items include: a boot with Iraq sand, blood, doughnuts, and lots of random alcohol! Sean did well with it and was able to keep it fun. He's got the gift of gab and was able to ad lib the lulls.

Sean and the team were also awarded the Thorne Award at the ball. It's awarded every year to the best ODA (team) in 10th SF Group. It's a great honor. Our friend Matt's team won this award last year, which is very cool.

As I was leaving for the ball, Cullen said to me "Bye momma, have fun at the dance with daddy!" It was so cute, it sounded like something a 8 year old would say! He was a little upset when I told him I was going to a dance. He thought I was going to CoCo's wedding and he didn't want to miss that! I finally got it through to him that it was NOT CoCo's wedding and only then did he decide it was okay for us to go without him. :)

with Sonya

with Ellen

The guys getting the Thorne Award

The guys doing the Grog Bowl Ceremony

Some of the contents of the Grog (after all the alcohol is gone).

Thursday, May 14, 2009

preschool field day

Doing the sack races
(great view of Pikes Peak in background)

blowing bubbles

the tunnel in the obstacle course

racing against Mrs. Salazar

I helped at Cullen's field day today. It was pretty cold and windy, but the kids didn't seem to mind. They all had fun- I think Cullen's favorite was rolling down the hill (which wasn't even a station). He graduates from preschool Tuesday, I think we'll both miss it this summer...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

mother's day gift

Cullen climbing a tree

PaPa with the boys

A little off center, but I love Finn's expression.
(I can't believe how red his hair looks here!)

Uncle D playing with Finn

Sean got the camera I've been wanting for my birthday/anniversary/mother's day gift(s). I LOVE it! Here are some random snapshots I took- just trying to figure out all the settings. I'm so excited to have a nice camera! Lord knows, I love to take pictures...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Josh and Coco's wedding weekend

My three handsome boys after the reception.

Saying goodnight to Coco

Cullen being ornery with the groomsmen.

Finn finally fell asleep at the reception.

Cullen running in circles with the nephews.

Waiting for the ceremony to start

Hanging out with the flower girls!

Helping Courtney get poofed

mmmm mimosas

A tired ring bearer and father of the bride...

with the beautiful bride

We had a great time at my sister and brother in law's wedding! We were relieved that Cullen cooperated as the ring bearer! He did his job just as we asked. When it was time to walk back down the aisle at the end of the ceremony, he took off running after the flower girls. :) I wish I had more pictures, but it flew by... so I can't wait to see the professional pictures! Cullen was in his element at the reception!! He was such a ham, hanging out with the groomsmen and running with Josh's nephews. He found himself in the middle of the action several times- in the middle of the groomsmen as they chanted their soccer stuff, and right next to Coco during the maid of honor's toast... Congratulations, Courtney and Josh!!