Friday, January 30, 2009

happy homecoming

After almost 9 months away, Sean is home! We are so glad this long deployment is finally behind us and that Sean and his team are home safe. Cullen has been so excited to have Daddy home, and loves showing off his new skills to Daddy. Finn has warmed up quickly to Sean and has even been sharing those sweet smiles. We are enjoying this next week, because Sean goes right into Jump Master School (working 7 days a week).

I also posted a picture of the souvenir that Sean brought home for me this time. It's always fun to see what he picks out for me... He brought me home a purple burka and two camels made from bullet shells from Afghanistan. A Celtic shawl and leprechaun snow globe from his layover in Ireland the last time he came home from Iraq. This year I am especially pleased with his gift... he got us a hand carved Nativity Set. They are hand carved from the Olive Trees in Iraq and sadly, if any Christian is caught making these, they are killed. They are absolutely stunning, thanks Sean!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HOORAY! Welcome home, Sean! Glad you guys are all back together again. And Finn and Cullen are looking more and more alike. A momma of're tough, Chica! Miss you guys.