Thursday, January 22, 2009

CoCo in CO

reading with grandma

Cullen with CoCo in Garden of the Gods

We made it safely back to CO over the weekend, with a lot of help from CoCo. I'm so glad she made the trip back with me. Both boys traveled great, like the Army Brats they are. :) CoCo stayed here with us for several days and helped me get settled (she is the world's best organizer!). Thank goodness for CoCo. We were sad to see her go. So now we are here waiting for daddy to get home, but that should be soon.

Cullen misses Grandma, PaPa, and CoCo... but is excited for Daddy to get home. I am so thankful we were able to go and stay with family during this deployment. It made the time go fast and it was so nice to have the help. Thanks again!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Glad I could help! I miss you guys...hope this week goes by quickly for you!