Monday, January 26, 2009

Finn-Finn is five months

notice my "little man's" hand position... what a boy!

learning to sit

Finn will be 5 months old in a few days, so I thought I'd post now while I had the time. I love this age! He is becoming really social and much more talkative. He's becoming much more aware too, he'll turn his head back to see who's carrying him. He loves his big brother and gives out his best laughs to Cullen. He has found his feet and likes to reach for them. He is in the beginning stages of sitting, I'm trying to give him lots of practice while Cullen's sleeping. :) He gets excited when I show him one of his favorite toys and he anticipates me picking him up. Overall he's a happy baby (as long as he's being held!). I can't wait for Daddy and Finn to become reacquainted!

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