Monday, November 5, 2012

Notre Dame hockey game

Finn was on the jumbo-tron before the game started!

Watching those big guys skate by FAST!

Finn with the ND Mascot.  :)

In awe!
We got 2 tickets to Sunday nights ND hockey game.  Sean had tons of homework, so I took Finn.  It was a lot of fun!  He loved watching them and would laugh when they would spar for the puck and ram each other into the glass.  When the Irish were warming up, a few of the players would bang on the glass at Finn as they would skate by.  He loved it!

As we were leaving, we saw the Leprechaun!  I asked Finn if he wanted to take a picture with him.  Finn did!  He ripped his coat off and ran up to him.  :)  It was so cute!  What a fun night.

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