Friday, August 3, 2012

Wrigley Field...

Yay!  We were in the shade!

The boys brought their gloves. :)

Finn getting a better view.

I'm eating, but I'm still ready for a foul ball...

Lunch.  YUMMMY Chicago Dog.  GRROSS Old Style Beer.
I love a good hot dog, and THIS was an excellent hot dog!  Poppyseed bun, grilled onions, perfection.  We also tried the Old Style Beer.  It is Chicago's iconic workingman's brew, afterall...  Not my favorite... but "When in Rome....."

Ice cream in a helmet.  Reminds me of Royals games in my youth... :)

Great day for a ballgame.

Sean crossed another thing off his bucket list this week.  We drove up to Chicago Wednesday, to watch the Cubs play the Pirates at Wrigley Field.  Before we went in, a very tall older man approached the boys and talked with us.  He then told us that he would be leading the crowd in "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" in the 7 inning stretch.  He then told us he used to pitch for the Cubs.  Sure enough, during the 7th inning stretch he was singing and was introduced as a retired Cub's pitcher.

It was a wonderful day for a ballgame.  Too bad the Cubs lost (by a lot!).

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