Wednesday, May 2, 2012

party in the North Quad

I don't know if you can tell, but Finn hit it!  The guy
is falling in.

Cullen hit it too!!

Riding Peanut.  This (red haired) woman was upset that she had
5 kids and none of them got her red hair.  She wondered
(my most asked question) "Where did his red hair come from?!"

I asked for a picture.  Finn- "Hurry up mom, we don't
have much time!"

Zahm Hall, Cavanaugh Hall, and the Filipino American Student Organization hosted the Zahm Spring Carnival in the North Quad this afternoon.  It was a really fun FREE event.  :)  We had a quick dinner there of hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, pretzels, veggie tray, cookies, brownies, and juice... then the boys went straight for the bounces houses!  I didn't get a picture of the balloon animals the boys picked out, (thankfully) the swords popped before we headed home.
 What a fun night!  And the boys fell right to sleep!  Always a plus, if you ask me.  ;)

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