Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Moses, Burger King, & a strong gag reflex

I took the boys to the dollar theater this afternoon so Sean could have a quiet house to study in. Cullen really enjoyed Gnomeo and Juliet, Finn was onery and insisted on pretending he was Baby Moses a "cranky Baby Moses" to be exact. My sister (Finn's Godmother) got Finn a Children's Bible for his Baptism, and he loves the story about Baby Moses (we've read it every night for a week). Anyway, the movie was hectic, but we made it through (barely). Luckily I had popcorn, Sprite, and Jr. Mints to help.

I hadn't heard from Sean, so I knew I had to find something else to do to keep Cullen and Baby Moses out of the house. I decided to take them to Burger King for dinner and to play in the play land. They ate their nuggets and it wasn't long and they both had to use the restroom.

I took them into the restroom and immediately noticed a strong sewer smell. Both boys instantly complained of the smell, but I told them it was fine and we would hurry. We walk into the handicap stall, were both boys noticed someone had pooped and left it. And the gagging begins... mainly from Finn. I flushed it, waited until the water filled back up then held Finn up over the stool so he could pee. He started peeing..... and then the puking began! I wasn't expecting it, so it went everywhere! When he finished I put him down and started wiping it up. Then Cullen starts gagging. I tell him to stop and not to look. Then Finn puked again, walked to the corner of the stall and puked some more that time into his hands. That grossed him out and he frantically started moving this hands around, which splattered the puke on the walls too. All of this was too much for Cullen, who decided to join the party and puke on the floor too. Cullen then started yelling at Finn, "Get away from me, you are making me throw up!!" So there it is... five nice piles of puke for me to clean in this nasty bathroom. What kind of luck is that?

I finally get smart and have them exit the stall, which luckily ended the puke-fest. I cleaned it up the best I could and we LEFT! I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard, I still can't believe the unfortunate chain of events that led to that huge mess!! In the car, I asked Finn why he threw up, did he feel sick? Did his stomach hurt? Did the poop in the toilet make him gag? His response was "the poop". Then Cullen asked me "Mom, was that a Mom's poop in the toilet?"

I think we are all pretty traumatized from tonight... At least I now know my boys' tolerance for a bad combination of smells and sights. GOODNESS GRACIOUS!

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