Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finn sings the Itsy Bitsy Spider

Finn loves to sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Actually, Finn likes to sing... period. He really likes country music (well, he loves Michael Jackson too... like Cullen), especially any song that mentions tractors. The other day after Zak Brown Band's Colder Weather song ended, Finn sang the chorus to us over, and over, and over. Today when we got out of the car, Finn continued to sing Luke Bryan's Rain is a Good Thing song. This is such a fun age!

I'm so disappointed, I recorded Cullen telling me all about the Solar System, but it's too large a file. I'll try to figure out how to make it work. He did a great job! He has really enjoyed learning about it at school last week.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Yay, Finn-Finn! So cute...love when he messes up and quickly recovers!