Wednesday, December 8, 2010

reindeer cookies

Finn's job was to press the cookie cutter into the dough.

Cullen is about to sneak a chocolate chip...

Cullen's job was to decorate the reindeer.

This morning the boys helped me make reindeer cookies. (I made the 7 layer cookies and pecan sandies later. By myself.) Can I just say, wow. It's hard to manage my knuckleheads around food. Let alone food I want to keep sanitary to give to neighbors and friends!

Finn wanted to eat the cookie dough (I can't blame him), and all the reindeer toppings... really he was the difficult one. Cullen took his job real serious, and only snuck a few chocolate chips and m&ms. :) He was really precise, alternating between brown and red noses. I didn't manage to get any pictures of the finished product, but they turned out really cute.

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