Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cullen is 5!

Signing Happy Birthday to Cullen.

Cullen was on cloud 9 yesterday, celebrating his birthday! We had a busy day... We dropped Finn off at hourly care in the morning, then I took Cullen out to eat before preschool. Of course, he choose McDonald's. :) I helped in Cullen's classroom and he was leader. After school, we drove back to Fort Carson, to pick up Finn. We picked up the ice cream cake, and finally headed home. I let Cullen choose what he wanted for dinner- mac n cheese. He could hardly wait for Sean to get home to eat the cake and open presents!

He loved all his presents!! He ended up playing in his room all night and was still up after 10pm, when I went to bed. Both last night and this morning he said "I just love all my presents, I'm going to give everyone a hug that gave me a present!"

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